The "Apply to" button has an additional menu, which allows you to choose if you want to show a token applied to an element as styles/variables or the resolved value.
This is useful when
your design system uses a lot of themes to manage a single component library and
you temporarily want to see your components with alternate token values applied
Today, if a theme is published as styles or variables (light mode), you can't see the components styled with a different theme (dark mode) in the same file.
For example, let's say you want to see what a card component looks like in light and dark themes in the same file.
Create 2 instances of the card component (tokens already applied)
Select instance A, configure the light theme setup in the plugin
Configure the Token Apply Menu by
Open the dropdown to the left of the split button at the bottom of the plugin
Apply to Selection
Apply as Resolved Values
Confirm the action
Card A will show as raw values in the light theme colors
Select instance B, configure the dark theme setup in the plugin
Confirm the apply to action
Card B will show as raw values in the dark theme colors
Remember to configure the Token Apply Menu back to Apply as Styles and Variables when finished.
When a token is attached to both a style and a variable
The plugin will always show the variable.
Github issues
2213 - Allow to set if tokens applied as resolved values, styles or variables
Non-local styles and variables → Jump to post
TBD → Jump to post
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🫠 V2 Plugin Feedback
Apply token
4 months ago
Sam - Tokens Studio
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☑️ Completed
🫠 V2 Plugin Feedback
Apply token
4 months ago
Sam - Tokens Studio
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